Friday, 14 August 2009

How do you look at Outlook's autosuggest email addresses?

I was just typing in some email addresses and could see from the Outlook auto suggest list a number of email addresses that I would like to cut and paste into another application - which is easier said than done!

There is a file in \documents and settings\\application data\microsoft\outlook\outlook.nk2 - where is the user you are logged in with. You may just want to search for .nk2.

If you were to change machines you can now of course copy this file and your autosuggest list will be re-established. Which I thought was a neat trick to know - of course I would imagine you want to make sure you are using the same versions of Outlook.

Finally, I have found an application which is still in Beta but works pretty well none the less - ah except if you have Vista it does not seem to work! Download it here at - now I found I had to download the full libraries since when trying to run the lastest version on its own it was unable to find some .ocx files.

To start with just click on the browse button and it will suggest where to find the nk2 file - if this doesn't work, and I haven't had a problem just do a global search for a .nk2 file and based on the location found browse to it using the tool. When you select the file, and depending on the number of suggest entries you may have to wait a few seconds. You can now add/edit or remove items from your cache. Additionally, and this was the bit I wanted to use was the export feature - you can export to csv or tab delimited output file with all the email addresses.

I did find on a couple of machines the program crashes when you close it down but works a treat while running so far from the end of the world!

Mail on!

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